Happiness Definition Essay

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What is true happiness? The ancient Greeks defined happiness as, “Happiness is the joy that we feel when we’re striving after our potential.” But how do we find it? Today, many people strive to find true happiness. We all want to be happy don’t we? But in today’s system of things, it can become very hard to find it. But I believe that you can find happiness. It’s not impossible but possible. You can find true happiness by knowing that you’re in charge of yourself, putting yourself first, and control yourself.
One of the ways you can find happiness is by knowing that you’re in charge of yourself. In the article “A Simple Five Step Process for Achieving Daily Happiness” by Illene Strauss Cohen, she says, “ Living in an internally controlled emotional world, rather than being dictated by external circumstances, will significantly shift your happiness meter. …show more content…

In the article “A Simple Five Step Process for Achieving Daily Happiness” by Illene Strauss Cohen, she says, “... You can create a physical and emotional reaction with just your thoughts. Your thoughts usually come before any feeling you have, whether you’re aware of them or not. Therefore, if you maintain control of your thoughts, you also maintain control of your feelings. Many people have the inaccurate belief that other people make them angry, upset, or unhappy. However, the truth is that you allow them to make you upset through your thoughts about their actions and decisions. A major aspect of becoming a happy person is changing the way you think about situations and realizing that you’re in charge of how you feel, think, and react to people. No one else can really “make” you feel any certain way.” This is significant because when you have control of your thoughts, you have control of your feelings. So having happy and good thoughts can make you feel happy. No one can make you feel a certain way, only you can know what you feel about