Harriet Tubman As An Abolitionist

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Harriet Tubman Report Harriet Tubman is a famous Abolitionists that has done so many great things in her lifetime. Tubman had many jobs in her lifetime, but here are a few details about the two main jobs that she had and mainly what she did in those jobs. Harriet’s first job was working as an Abolitionist helping the Underground Railroad. She helped the Underground Railroad by freeing slaves, helping slaves hide, and protect the slaves. She would help the slaves with their transportation without getting caught. …show more content…

She was famous for freeing black slaves, being a caretaker for soldiers, and for being an Abolitionist while helping the underground railroad. She was also famous for her cooking she cooked many things for the slaves and soldiers. She would cook great pies, cakes, cupcakes, pastries and many others great desserts and foods. When Harriet was a child and teenager she was always a rebel she would not listen to others only her heart. She went for what she believed she didn’t let anyone bring her down. She had always put her foot down, she wasn’t going to let someone take advantage of her. She was one brave woman as they say the bravest woman in history. Harriet’s bruises and scars made her brave and here’s a few reasons why they do. When Harriet was thirteen years old she got hit in the head with a solid brick by mistake. Here’s a short story of how Harriet at age thirteen saved an older man from getting beat. It all happened when Harriet was working in the hot field picking cotton she saw one of the slaves go