Harry Potter Vs Star Wars Essay

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Space and magic are two topics that are usually found on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. The Harry Potter series feature a young boy, Harry Potter, who is thrown into the magical school of Hogwarts to learn how to become a wizard and defeat Lord Voldemort. Star Wars is a movie series about a boy, Luke Skywalker, who holds the powers of the force and goes on several space adventures to destroy the Empire. On the surface these movies seem very different without much similarity at all; however, that could not be further from the truth. The two movie series Harry Potter and Star Wars are very similar for many reasons. Some of these reasons would be that they both have strong, male leads who hold the world’s destiny, a wise old man who …show more content…

Professor Dumbledore, the dean of Hogwarts, is an old man who helps Harry through many of the tasks that Harry has to accomplish to defeat Voldemort. For example, he took Harry to live with his aunt and uncle after his parents were killed, so Voldemort couldn’t find him and kill him. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi master who trained Luke’s father, also is an old mean that helps Luke through his struggles to bring back balance to the force. For example, he also takes Luke to live with his aunt and uncle after his mother is killed. He does this in hopes that Darth Vader cannot find him and turn him to the dark side. Another example of how these old men help is that they guide the two main characters to the people who will train and enhance their powers. Dumbledore is the dean of Hogwarts and is responsible for Harry being there. Harry is put with very tough professors, hired by Dumbledore, who train him to be a great wizard. After Obi-wan Kenobi is killed he comes to Luke in a dream and tells him to go to the planet Dagobah to train with Master Yoda. Yoda shows Luke how to use the force and how to use it for good instead of