Harvey Pittel, Walter Parazaider, And John Coltrane

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Three successful alto saxophone players are Harvey Pittel, Walter Parazaider, and John Coltrane.
John William Coltrane was born on September 23, 1926 in Hamlet, North Carolina. Around the age of 12, his father, aunt, and grandparents died. His mom took care of him. In September 1943 she bought him an alto saxophone, which he played in high school. When he was 19 years old, he enlisted in the Navy. His musical abilities were discovered when he joined the Melody Masters, which played jazz and swing tunes. After his duties, he was a leader in the band, and then he produced his first ever recording with other band members, in which they played jazz and bebop songs. He was discharged from the Navy and went home, to Philadelphia, where he joined