Haywood Bible Institute Executive Summary

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The Bishop G. T Haywood Bible Institute (GTHI) is an affiliated satellite campus of the Aenon Bible College. The Aenon Bible College established in 1941 provides accredited college courses both locally and online. The academic program for GTHI is designed to assist students making the transition into the ministry. The goal is to provide core knowledge and understanding concerning the principle elements required in developing an effective ministry. The is will enable the student to confidently apply and build upon the training and their experience as they prepare for the calling of God upon their life. GTHI students are prepared to be leaders in their local church and community. They will lead in a global society and are challenged by a …show more content…

The goal of the three month course is to help students: • Identify the roles of deacons as servants. • Identify the pastoral role in the selection, training and maintenance of deacons. • Contribute to the growth and health of the church and its ministries. • Submit to authority and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. • Recognize and carry out their duties as deacons and deaconesses, MI 166 - Minististerial Introduction Cost: $ 285.00 The Ministerial Introduction course is designed to develop character and competency in skills for ministry. Though the student will gain knowledge, the emphasis of this course is on growing in Christ-like character and developing practical ministry skills. OP 366 - Ordaination Preparation Cost: $ 460.00 The Ordination Preparation course is designed to prepare men and women for ordination in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), through a series of courses. Licensing, Credentials and Academic …show more content…

Apply for local minister's license or fellowship certificate through your State Council. This step identifies you as a ministerial apprentice working under the direction of your pastor to perform various duties in the local church. Requirements vary in each council for ministers. After holding the local license (council membership) for typically a minimum of one year and experiencing various aspects of ministry, your pastor will determine if you should advance to the next step. STEP 2: GENERAL (PAW) LICENSE Upon the pastor's recommendation and approval of your district elder, you may proceed to take the Ministerial Introduction (Ml) Course through Aenon Bible College. This course is a minimum requirement to be eligible to apply for your General License with the PAW. LICENSING is not automatic upon successful completion of the Ml course. You must obtain the general license application from your pastor and submit it to the council office along with your Ml certificate . Once your application is processed by your council it is submitted to the PAW who will issue you an non-ordained li­ cense. Congratulations! Upon completion of this step, you are now an official member of the PAW with all rights and