Hazard Specific Annexure: A Case Study

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In this task, the scenario presented demonstrate a situation in which, an emergency operations plan is needed for a small town in collaboration with the local agency. The purpose of an EOP is to understand the key challenges that may arise within a vicinity and offer a sustainable solution as well as a method to handle the challenges by identifying certain tasks that need to be carried out to reduce the risks. The purpose of an EOP is to act as a guidance for the people and offer them a strategy during times of crises. Since emergencies often give rise of panic situation that can affect the rational decision making of the people dealing with the problem, it is important to offer them with information that would help them make quick decisions and understand the key methods to dealing with the tasks. However, the town manager wants to reduce the costs and proposes to copy EOP’s from other …show more content…

Similarly, a terrorism annexure offers the public with measures that need to be taken to protect themselves in case of terrorist activity. For this purpose, a terrorism annexure needs to account for various situations and possibilities. Primarily, a terrorism annexure needs to offer people that information as well as the criteria that defines terrorism. The annexure needs to hold information that would help people identify terrorism in their region. This helps to increase awareness and promoted peace in the society. Secondly, a terrorism annexure needs to hold information that is useful for people in an event they want to report a terrorist activity. This means that the annexure needs to mention all the possible agencies and departments that need to be informed in case an activity has been