Head Trauma In Sports Essay

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In many of today's most popular sports, head injuries are quite common and are starting to occur more frequently in children. These injuries can bring upon brain damage, nerve damage, loss of memory, CTE, and much more. In the article “Hard Hit” by Kirsten Weir, and the video “Hard hits and head trauma, the dangers of team sports” by AFP News Agency, they both talk about head injuries in football, and the new safety measures put in place to help decrease them. In the video, they also talk about hockey, and how they are also putting in place rules to help decrease the amount of head injuries occurring in childrens hockey. Gwen Moran’s article, “We should all care about concussions in women’s soccer. Here’s why.” she talks about the amount of head injuries occurring in girl's soccer, and the rules they are in the …show more content…

In each sport, there's many similarities in the rules put in place to decrease adolescent head trauma, but also some differences. In all three sports, organizations have started to formulate rules that will eventually make each sport much safer. Kristen Weir mentioned in her article how in football, “Many states have passed laws requiring a young player to be cleared by a medical professional before returning to play after a concussion.” For hockey, the reporter in the video “Hard hits and head trauma, the dangers of team sports,” brought up how, “New safety rules mean hockey coaches can't put players back on the ice until they have completely healed.” Gwen Moran stated in her article that multiple campaigns and agencies have been formed, calling for a change in rules. People like former women's National U.S soccer team player, Brandi Chastain, are working towards establishing a rule that allows only kids over the age of 14 to head the