Health Fact Profiles For Travis County And Nacogdoches County

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The 2013 Health Fact Profiles for Travis County and Nacogdoches County reflect certain demographic and health indicators that show differences between the two lifestyles. Regarding demography and population, urban counties typically reflect a higher varying ethnicity rate than rural counties do. This impression is supported by the data as the percentage of non-white people in Travis County is higher than that of Nacogdoches County, and the ethnicity rates of Travis County shows a greater variety. The ethnicity percentages for Travis are as follows: 49.1% white, 7.8% black, 34.5% Hispanic, and 8.5% of those of other ethnicities. This can be compared to the ethnicity percentages of Nacogdoches: 60% white, 18% black, 18.9% Hispanic, and 3.1% of …show more content…

This phenomenon is reflected in the data as Nacogdoches County had a higher percentage of the elderly age group (12.6%) as opposed to the (8%) for Travis County. The higher elderly age group of the rural county could also be tied its lower per capita income. Socioeconomic indicators are generally better in urban areas as opposed to rural areas. The data from the two counties supports this impression as it showed that the urban county had a higher per capita personal income as opposed the rural county; Travis’ $48,562 as opposed to Nacogdoches’ $31,592. This could be a reflection of the number of elderly no longer working in the rural community or the pay of the jobs that are located there. The per capita income could also be an indicator of the number of uninsured people until age 64. Nacogdoches County showed a higher percentage of uninsured (40.7%) as opposed to the lower number of uninsured in Travis County (31.1%). It is logical the rural county that showed lower per capita personal income would have a higher rate of uninsured as the people had a less amount of money to buy …show more content…

This can be explained by teenagers in rural areas lacking access contraceptive services. When considering prenatal care in the first trimester, those in urban counties have better access to doctors and clinics. This is shown by the percentage of those that receive prenatal care in Travis County (73.9%) and those that receive it in Nacogdoches County (55.1%). The impression is that when people have better access to health care, like in urban counties, they generally have lower rates of communicable diseases and mortality due to disease. Travis showed a lower rate of sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia 599.0 and Gonorrhea 172.0), heart disease deaths (120.9), and cancer deaths (136.3) as opposed to the higher rates shown by Nacogdoches (Chlamydia: 613, Gonorrhea: 172.2, heart disease: 155.9, and cancer: 161.2) The rates for AIDS, Primary/Secondary Syphilis, death by diabetes, and homicide were not available. Overall, the demographic and health indicators used allow the reader to make the impression that there are higher rates of poor overall health in rural counties when compared to urban