Health Financing In Healthcare

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Health financing is the mobilization, accumulation and allocation of money to be used within the health system to take care of the needs of the people. It main purpose is to make funds available, set the right financial incentives to providers, that would allow the access of essential public health services to all individuals. WHO (2000)
Financing agents are those entities that collect money to pay providers on behalf of consumers. Financing agents may be publicly or privately owned, and may provide health services directly
Sources those entities that provide funds that are collected by financing agents. Merson (2011).
Primary sources individuals from wages and salaries; businesses from profit, rents on properties owned.
Secondary source taxes …show more content…

For the purpose of this assignment they will be highlighted separately.
Revenue collection is the process by which the health system receives money from households and organizations or companies, as well as from donors.
Pooling is the accumulation and management of revenues in such a way as to ensure that the risk of having to pay for health care is borne by all the members of the pool and not by each contributor individually. WHO, (2000)
Where health professionals are paid from pooled funds to provide specified and unspecified health interventions. Which would either be performed passively by following a predetermined budget or simply paying bills when presented or strategically by a continuous search for the best ways to maximize health system performance by deciding which interventions should be purchased, how, and from whom. WHO (2000)
In Guyana purchasing of health services is mainly, the health workers being paid by the government monthly salaries and goods and services being purchased, which is done at various levels within the ministry. Finance is allocated directly to the GPHC, MOH, and regions from the Ministry of …show more content…

Notwithstanding Guyana’s status as a low middle income country with total expenditure on health at 5.9% of GDP in 2011 27, the Guyanese healthcare system has had some vital upgrading. Nonetheless, the current institutional structures of the health system and services development in Guyana pose significant challenges requiring meaningful health planning to achieve real health reforms. Several multilateral agencies are on board in Guyana to assist its health sector development reform; these are: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); World Bank (WB); Global Fund for AIDS, TB, and Malaria (GFATM); Global Alliance for Vaccines Initiative (GAVI); Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); China; Cuba; European Union (EU); United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Japan’s Development Cooperation Agency (JDCA); Presidential Emergency Program Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); PAHO/WHO, UNICEF,