Health Promotion In Nursing Essay

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Health Promotion is vital part of the nursing profession, and is the first standard, in the Canadian Community Health Nursing Professional Practice Model & Standards of Practice. The nursing profession shares the same view on the concept of health promotion as the World Health Organization (WHO). Health promotion is defined by Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health" (Community Health Nurses of Canada, 2011, pg. 10) Health Promotion in nursing focuses on education, action, and advocacy to build capacity, and empowerment in both individuals and communities in order to facilitate individual and community control, political efficacy, improved quality of community life and social justice. (Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice, 2008, pg. 7) As discussed in class the characteristics of health promotion were that it is holistic, it involves participation at all levels, it accounts for determinants …show more content…

(Community Health Nurses of Canada, 2011, pg. 10) In the nursing practice we look at more than just the physical components of health, we look into the patient’s mental, emotional, environmental and physical health. Community Health Nurses (CHN) look at the individual, community or sociality issue with a wide lens and attempt to identify and understand how the social determinates of health are impacting the issue. Nurses also work in collaboration with individuals, families, communities and sectors to provide the necessary support to allow these individuals, families or communities to build the necessary capacities to facilitate an increase in “knowledge, influence and control” over their own health determinants (Community Health Nurses of Canada, 2011, pg.