Health & Safety Committees And Bwell Ambassadors Across Canada

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Employee Experience Company is continuously lowering down the number of work-related injuries; increase the number of Workplace Health & Safety Committees and bWell Ambassadors across Canada (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 37). The company is furthermore active in rebuilding its facilities and transforming them into more collaborative environment and invested $56.6 million into training of its employees (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 31- 32). Rogers focuses as well on increasing the equal representation of its employees, especially in terms of women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and workers with disabilities (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 35-36). In 2015, 33% of members of the board of directors were women, which is an increase by 5% from the previous year. Company won awards such as 2015 Canada’s Best Diversity Employer, Canadas top 100 Employers of 2016, Canada´s Top Employers for Young People in 2016, top 50 the Most engaged Workplaces of …show more content…

Additionally to the energy reduction, the company is mainly focusing on minimizing the greenhouse gases, which was particularly scaled down by 3.8% since 2014 and replaced their 1886 vehicles by newer eco-friendlier models (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 41-45). Furthermore, to support water reduction initiatives, high-efficiency water fixtures and appliances were installed in the facilities (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 48). Not only Rogers decreased paper consumption by 21.3% in 2015, it more and more promotes recycling activities (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p. 46-47). For instance, in 2015, 63 516 devices and 634168 kg of cable set-top boxes and modems were collected for recycling (Rogers Communications Inc., 2016, p.