Healthy Teen Relationships: Using Values And Choices To Teach Sex Education

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As students become adolescents they get exposed to sex. Public schools should continue to advance their teachings of sexual education. As adolescent students grow they get exposed to activities without knowing the consequences that can damage their future. It’s important that students get the proper sexual education so they can avoid unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.
The difference between having a child or a transmitted disease can be avoided by a simple class teaching students the reality of sexual activities. Educators, parents, and administrators already know that students are exposed to sexual activities especially in today’s society where it’s advertised on TV, billboards and the internet. An education is a critical tool to help raise awareness, promote better decisions, and ultimately teach students everything they should know. Educators have to also stress the fact that students should wait in spite of learning about sex. It’s also important that effective programs are applied in the classroom. In their journal article School-based programs to reduce sexual risk behaviors: a review of effectiveness, Douglas Kirby and his colleagues said, “If these effective programs are implemented in our schools, they …show more content…

Parents are arguing that schools should not teach about sex, yet they fail to do so themselves which leaves their children at a disadvantage. In his book, Healthy Teen Relationships: Using Values and Choices to Teach Sex Education author Martha Roper said, “In a sexualized society such as ours, parents should be the first sex educators, and the school should support parents and give even more age-appropriate lessons in an organized group setting where students can learn from a trained teacher who can facilitate important discussions.” If the parents and schools work together, the students will