Heifer International Case Study

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Heifer International is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 1944 by an American philanthropist named Dan West. Prior to the founding of Heifer International, there was an organization by the name of Heifers for Relief, who created programs that donated cows or heifers to people in need. This simple but effective program soon caught the entire nation’s attention. In 1942, the U.S. Department of Agriculture fortunately approved the idea, and agreed to pursue it as a national project. Eventually, the long-waited charity idea was incorporated and in 1944 Heifer International’s first shipment sent 17 heifers(cows) to nearby Puerto Rico. Comparing the 1940’s Heifers for Relief to the Heifer International of today, a lot has changed. Heifer International is now a …show more content…

Takeo, Svay Rieng and Koh Kong make up half of the country's southeast regions, the region with Cambodia’s highest population density. 90% of the population in the southeast of Cambodia are farmers, who mainly produce rice due to the conflicts and issues that have been occurring in the area. In these regions, there are small farm lands. Factors such as poor infrastructure, natural disasters and low fertility have all impacted the communities negatively, and contributed to the 50% of the population that are living in poverty. Especially in the southeast areas, land use issues have affected many farm families. They have little choice but to migrate to the urban or city areas to work long hours for daily wage labor. With the help of partnerships with 4 different organizations of RCSA, CCK, CFED and PDAO; Heifer Cambodia is determined to bring these families out of poverty, and make sure that they don’t have to be relocated in order to have a decent and liveable standard of