Henry David Thoreau Research Paper

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There are many dead poets in history around the world. For example, Sylvia Plath, John Keats and David Thoreau are all examples of dead poets in history. However, David Thoreau is the best because he is very inspirational and influential. Henry David Thoreau is inspirational because he writes about nature in poetry, his beliefs, and his actions toward his beliefs. BP 1 Thoreau was an influential philosopher because of his writing on nature and societal problems.For example, the biography,”Henry David Thoreau” states,” Published in 1854,”Walden;or life in the woods” promoted living a life close to nature.”This evidence shows that Henry David Thoreau wrote about nature and his experiences because nature is sacred and beautiful to him. For another …show more content…

All of this evidence shows Henry David Thoreau is an inspiration because of his poems and how it inspired other people to become writers about nature and more. BP 2 Another reason Henry David Thoreau was important was because of his beliefs.For example, the biography,”Henry David Thoreau'' states,” Thoreau held deeply-felt political views, which led him oppose slavery and the Mexican American War” This evidence shows he had strong beliefs against aggression that might not have been popular at the time in history but still voiced his opinions.For another example the text,”Primary Sources: Thoreau's Walden Pond, Why He Left The Woods” states,”I learned this: That if one follows his dreams, and tries Henry David Thoreau has inspired people with his beliefs because he has a powerful belief on following your dreams and youll be successful.For the last example text,”Thoreau's Walden Pond Why he Went into the woods” states,”Life is so short, and i did not want to suffer through it- not unless suffering was absolutely necessary.This proves Henry david Thoreauin a influential philosopher because he believed that you only can live once so have fun don't suffer through stress pain or anything that will make you