Henry David Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience'

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“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves” Henry David Thoreau or David Henry Thoreau grew up to work in a pencil factory, later on to graduate from Harvard to become one of the most recognized author/poet to inspired and lead the lives of many with his two most famous books known as “Civil Disobedience” and “Walden”. The reason why I’m writing about Henry David Thoreau is to inform and show how much of an impact he is to anyone who has ever read anything he has ever written.

This paragraph will be about how Thoreau’s working paragraph “Civil Disobedience” became what it is today and why it’s as popular now than it was before. When Thoreau first wrote his paragraph “Civil Disobedience” it was due to the fact that Thoreau didn’t …show more content…

Meanwhile protesting for their rights, MLK decided to also lead a movement towards the government using the non-violent approach as Thoreau first did when it came to protesting (Britannica Biographies, p.1). The similarity MLK and Gandhi both shared is the love for this little paragraph and the love for the people who treated wrong because of their skin color, so they decided to use the inspiration they gained from the paragraph to use it for good and protest the rights for their groups and thought of it as the step in the right direction. Especially Gandhi dedicated his life to the principles of Civil Disobedience and also managed to use to the non-violent approach act for social change. Gandhi first found out about the Civil Disobedience as a way to guide him to fighting for what he believes in and consider doing whatever he can do that is right and make the world a better place (Britannica Biographies, p.1) which guided him to start his own movement with the inspiration from the Civil Disobedience. Thoreau has also written a book dedicated to the lovers of natures called “Walden”, which also helped open the eyes of