
Henry Ford Impact On Society

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Henry Ford made American history when he released the model T. He put the whole world on wheels. It was a simple, durable, and most importantly a affordable car. Ford sold 15 million model T’s, making it the best selling vehicle of its era. He revolutionized the modern assembly line and made cars as we know them today.
Henry Ford Is a influential advocate of changing transportation through his actions of modernization of the common car, establishing the assembly line and creating an affordable car. First of all, Henry Ford changed transportation as we knew it in the 1900’s when he revolutionized the common car. “Henry Ford's model T put the world on wheels with a simple, affordable and durable automobile. Ford sold 15 million model T’s before ceasing production in May, 1927.” While production numbers increased the cost of owning a revolutionary new automobile was on the fall. With more cars, the average American family was now able to afford an automobile. Henry Ford's importance to American history would be nothing without his creations. He impacted the world by making a relatively affordable car that could be owned by the average American family. …show more content…

“In 1913, Henry Ford installs the first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire automobile. His innovation reduced the time it took to build a car from more than 12 hours to two hours and 30 minutes.” With the introduction of the assembly line not only were cars coming out of the ford plant quicker buy they were also coming with a reduced price. The assembly line created cars and also many American jobs. Assembly lines are still used when creating automobiles, so that makes it a very worthwhile invention. The assembly line created by Henry Ford impacted the world by making cars more readily available to the public. It revolutionize the way cars were created and how quick they could be

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