Hermes And Coyote Analysis

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The Greek mythological divinity Hermes and the Indian mythological divinity Coyote are both of great importance to the myths of their respective cultures. Hermes plays a role in the Greek mythological culture that is similar to that of Coyote in the Indian mythological culture. Both divinities share traits such as being heroes, creators, as well idols of both love and fertility. However, they both differ on traits with the main one being their role in trickery. To properly examine these two prominent figures of mythology, they must be properly compared and contrasted as they will be in the following paragraphs. First off, the similarities of both Hermes and Coyote in regards to the role of a Hero in their respective cultures will …show more content…

Myths of both Hermes and Coyote involve love, sexuality, and fertility. Hermes has many great examples of those categories. One of which being his use of music as a type of courting tool. Another example of love in Hermes myths is his meeting with Aphrodite when one her sandals was brought to him in order for her to come meet him. As seen in Hermes, Coyote also has great examples of those same categories in his own myths. One good example of the sexuality of Coyote is when he shifted his being to become a salmon and then rape women that have entered into the stream in which the salmon form of Coyote is inhabiting at that particular time (AITT 55). Another prime example of Coyote’s sexuality is when he had relations with his daughters and even after realizing it was wrong, Coyote said “Never mind, I’ll find a way” (AITT 58). One more example of sexuality within the myths of the divinity Coyote is when Old Man Coyote meets Coyote Woman and they experiment to what seems like the first attempt at sex in the world and realize that what they are doing is how other human beings will be made (AITT 61). As can be seen in the myths of both Hermes and Coyote; love, sexuality, and fertility are all important similarities between the two divinities Hermes and …show more content…

Although they may not have created the same type of things, both were great creators. Throughout his life, Hermes created many inventions. Some of the more prominent inventions in his life however, were the tortoise shell lyre, pan pipes, wicker sandals, fire sticks which created fire that he then gave to man, the twelve portion olympian sacrifice, and enclosures for cattle. Those are only some of the things that Hermes created. Coyote on the other hand, created more vital things in his myths. Coyote sent a Turtle ‘to dive for the Earth at the bottom of the water”(AITT 3) and then with a grain of the earth created the entire earth as known. Coyote also gave food to the people by sending a dove out and “it found a single grain of meal… Coyote [then] put [it] on the ground. Then the earth became covered with seeds and fruits” (AITT 3). Another creation by Coyote was of the baby. Coyote first created a baby and then said “Human will make a baby in the same way” (AITT 72). The last discussed creation of Coyote is the placement of the stars and the “pictures” they created. Coyote “admired the arrangement he had left up there… and arranged stars all over the sky” (AIML). These similarities discussed show that Hermes and Coyote were both great creators in their mythological