Examples Of Heroes In The Outsiders

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In “The Outsiders” many heroes were found and they did outstanding acts during their lives. Heroes can be found everywhere, even in places you don’t expect. A hero is a humble, brave, kind person who takes risks in order to help others. Ponyboy Curtis was a fabulous boy who fit the definition of a hero perfectly. Johnny Cade is a hero, even though he killed someone, but he only acted violently because his friend Ponyboy was going to die. Cherry Valance was an inspiring girl who made me want to become a hero like her. People can have opportunities to be bad when the don’t have all the privileges in the world or when they have them all, but these three characters made good choices and helped others. Ponyboy is of the the most amazing heroes. Pony risks his life to save children he didn’t know. He ran through the burning …show more content…

Cherry is a nonviolent person and tries to stop fights because she dislikes them so much. She courageously stood up to Bob and Two-Bit, “ ‘No! Cherry cried. Stop it!’ She looked at Bob. ‘We’ll ride home with you. Just wait a minute!’ ‘Why?’ Two-Bit demanded. ‘We ain’t scared of them.’ Cherry shuddered. ‘I can’t stand fights… I can’t stand them’.”, and she stopped them from having a terrible fight. Cherry keeps Bob and his buddies from fighting with Pony, Two-Bit and Johnny because she can’t stand fighting. Cherry takes risks to help out the Greasers because of they have conflicts with the Socs. Dally explains to Johnny and Pony they have a spy, “ ‘A spy?’ Johnny looked up from his banana split. ‘Who?’ ‘That good-lookin’ broad I tried to pick up that night you killed the Soc. The redhead, Cherry what’s-her-name?’ ” and they were so surprised because a Soc was helping the Greasers. Cherry became a spy for the Greasers to help them out because she befriended Pony and wants the conflict between the Greasers and Socs to