
Hezbollah Impact On Criminal Organizations

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-Hezbollah may not be a household name such as Facebook or Oprah but the influence Hezbollah could have may impact Americans in a sudden fail action. Hezbollah is a Shi’a Islamic terrorist organization based out of Lebanon. Iran and Syria have political and financial ties to Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a growing influence and threat for the world, specifically the western hemisphere. The growth of technology has allowed for organizations such as this to become a more serious concern for what they view as enemies. Careful consideration must be made in the analysis of such criminal organizations. The threat grows every day.
Hezbollah has been operating for approximately 30 years. Originally started as an anti-Israeli group set for Islamic radicalization …show more content…

Hezbollah is not being organized by uneducated cave-dwellers from the desert. Like many of the criminal organizations in the world, their leaders are coming from formal educational backgrounds. With education these leaders are composing themselves into businessmen and leading the criminal organization in the same manner as a corporation. Consider a legal company such as Monsanto that has connected long term partners of the company that have learned what governmental seats that best facilitate the function of the organization they represent. This is the exact tactic that Hezbollah has taken in Iran and Syria and made dealings with countries in South …show more content…

The first issue is the fact of facing non-governmental combatants that blend in with society. It is a fine line for modern political correctness to not stereotype a person due to race, creed, or culture. Dealing with this balance is due to the concern of fear for being caught into a civil lawsuit, a trend that has become increasingly popular and can destroy a law enforcement officer’s career if they accuse the wrong person. The second issue being that Hezbollah uses misconstrued doctrine of Islam to convince people to sacrifice themselves for the cause. It is a surprisingly difficult and complicated war to fight against someone who wishes and trains to die for their beliefs. Hezbollah does train people to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the

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