Hezbollah: Terrorist Group And Political Party Of God

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Terrorist group and political party, Hezbollah, meaning Party of God, was formed in 1982 from the Shia block in Lebanon. Led by leader Hassan Nasrallah, who became leader on February 16, 1992 after the death of Musawi in an Israeli air stike. Hassan Nasrallah, also referred to as 'al-Sayyid Hassan' which means descendent of Muhammad through his grandson Husain ibn Ali. Hassan Nasrallah was born into a Shia family, studied and taught religion at the school of Amal.
Since the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah has acquired long and short range missiles, along with anti-ship missiles. Iran has given Hezbollah unmanned aerial vehicles. Iran has also provided funding and training in addition to weapons.
Besides Iran, Hezbollah has relations with other Shia states, Sunni groups, and has operations outside of the Middle East, such as Latin America. …show more content…

During this time, the borders of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, known as the tri-border area, were notoriously lawless. According to American Enterprise Institute, the purpose of Hezbollah in this area was to use it as a safe haven for money laundering, recruitment, trafficking, training and other terrorist activities. By 2000, it was estimated that 460 operatives were in the tri-border area. Islamic extremist groups in the area are estimated to send $300 to $500 million per year in illicit profits to other Islamic groups in the Middle East. Hezbollah is able to get this money from human trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapons