High Performing Work Team Survey Paper

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High Performing Work Team Survey Analysis

The High Performing Work Team Survey is a comprehensive assessment of an individual's perception of their purpose within the team as well as team functionality as a whole. The survey assesses team mission, goals, roles, procedures, relationships, effectiveness, satisfaction, and conflict resolution from the stance of each team member. In the presented scenario, the statements in the survey address characteristics of highly performing teams and are used to gather information from the non-highly performing team prior to proceeding with team training. The Society of Human Resource Management (2015) describes high performance work teams to the same extent as the statements being examined in the survey. …show more content…

Many of the questions presented trend with the stages of team development, specifically forming, storming, norming, and performing (Teams & Teamwork, 2009). The forming stage is characterized as a peaceful time as team members become familiar to each other and analyze the task of the group as well as rules for task accomplishment (Teams & Teamwork, 2009). The survey addresses the success of this timeframe in team development through its questions in the roles portion such as questions asking how the team manages all functions it is to perform and its focus on task completion. Storming, as the second stage of team development, is characterized by conflict among team members that can specifically be related to process controls as well as task achievement (Teams & Teamwork, 2009). Storming presents a trend within the questionnaire given questions pertaining to successful conflict resolution. Responses to these questions will provide valuable information about the team's poor efficacy. Inappropriate resolution or processes to manage conflict will result in team member discouragement (Saylor, n.d.). The third stage of norming is a period of time in team development dedicated towards setting performance expectations (Teams & Teamwork, 2009). This is observed as a trend in the survey as evidenced by questions within the role and procedure sections of the survey, as responses are indicative of whether the team has worked towards setting team member expectations and how to perform in order to achieve the objective. The final stage analyzed as a trend within the survey is performing. The trend of performing as a team development stage and trend within the survey is defined as the period where the team is able to perform where team members understand their role, engage with team members, and resolve conflict because of skills learned in previous stages