High Profile Athletes Essay

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High-profile athletes have to be very careful about what they post on social media. The athletes of today’s world have a lot of responsibility because so many people are listening and watching everything they do. Also, because an athlete can tweet about something so quick they need to make sure what they are saying will represent them and their team in the right way. Athletes have a right to speak their opinion but they have to know that some people aren’t going to like it and they could receive negative attention for it. There are many different athletes out there and they all have different views. This makes it hard for teams/leagues to control what athletes say. I feel that high-profile athletes have way more responsibilities when it comes to social media because of the huge amount of followers they get. They have a wide variety of ages, races, religion and much more that follow them. High-profile athletes have so many different people following them they should be sensitive to everyone. I feel athletes should never use negative or offensive language on social media. Negative or offensive …show more content…

This is very true when it comes to issues like the George Zimmerman verdict and the Aaron Hernandez indictment because athletes could say things that poorly represent them and their teams. This is negative PR that no player wants and no team needs. I feel that if they want to post something about a controversial topic, they should make sure they think about what they are going to say (cool down time) before they post it. This would make sure what they say is how they actually feel and ensure they say it in a way that represents them well. It is important to remember, once you post something to social media it is out there forever. Athletes can later apologize for what they said, but their follows will already have their opinions on them, good or