Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory

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This report is based on the observations gather in “Earl Haig Secondary School”. As Behaviours amongst students and their peers during a grade 12 university advanced function class may vary, depending on the reason for selecting this particular course. There is one specific theory that refers during the three consecutive days of observations. Which are the Psychosocial Development theory and previous research on behavioral actions in a specific classroom environment. During the final year of high school, it has been confirmed, that most students would like to graduate and move on to postsecondary, weather by attending private school or public. Yet, it’s established that “students who attended private high schools were more likely to have socio-economic …show more content…

Erik Erikson (1950, 1963) proposed a psychoanalytic theory of psychosocial development comprising eight stages from infancy to adulthood. Erikson has stated during each stage, the individual can experience a psychosocial crisis which can either lead to a positive or negative outcome for personality development (McLeod, 1). During this stage, adolescence become more independent and prepare for their future in terms of families, careers, bills, etc (McLeod, 39). Erikson’s theory also states that this stage is crucial as adolescents will try to rediscover his or her identity and try to figure out exactly who they are. During this specific period, adolescents start to explore possibilities and begin to develop their own personal identity based on their experiences, in which they have explored. As failure can lead to Role confusion which involves an individual not being sure about themselves or their place in society (McLeod, 44). To expand, this demonstrates role confusion can refer to an individual who behaves in a certain way during class. In addition, role confusion can lead an adolescent to different lifestyles which can include work, education, or other activities that may affect their social life (McLeod, 45). Furthermore, pressuring an individual by forcing them into an identity can result in rebellion acts which can establish a negative identity, and pushes the individual further …show more content…

Erikson acknowledged that the adolescent period, is a crucial stage for developing a person 's identity. To an arguable extent, not being able to find an identity can affect an individual tremendously compared with a student that has figured out his or her true identity. Throughout Erikson’s theory he proposed three reasons on why adolescent behave in a particular way:
Fidelity: Being able to commit oneself to others on the basis of accepting others, even when there may be ideological differences (Mcleod, 47).
Role Confusion: Experiments different lifestyles and when an individual fails to institute a sense of identity, which can lead to either negative or positive effects
Identity crisis: Unsure of one 's role in life, not knowing the real person an individual truly is
For those who succeed and overcomes this stage, the individual has developed to become a faithful person, by demonstrating obedience and loyalty towards others. A positive identity can lead a student to strive for success. As it was observed during the three days, that outgoing students who interacted with the class have shown better behavior than others that do not