
Hillary Clinton Accomplishments

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The elections are right around the corner and you should already know who you are voting for. If you happen to be stuck about your opinion you have to choose fast because time flies. I believe that Hillary Clinton should be president because she’s different and she knows what she’s doing. I feel like donald trump is just a buffoon because it doesn’t even seem like he knows what he is doing. He has said too many things that he shouldn’t have, especially on live television. Everyone knows that he’s a liar and he hasn’t even said how he is going to accomplish many of his plans.
Hillary Clinton has accomplished many things in her life. Many of her accomplishments make many people look lazy. First off, she graduated from Yale Law school with honors, she co-founded the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee while Bill Clinton was Governor, she served 8 years as the first lady, and she served as the US Secretary of State. So, she’s clearly qualified for the job. Another reason that makes her qualified is that her husband has already served as the president of the United States. Which gives her a greater chance of being a better president than Donald Trump, since her spouse has experience he can help her out with anything in need. …show more content…

She supports many relevant, important things such as debt free public colleges and free community colleges. She also supports immigrants, and is against deporting them. An immigrant is a person who comes to live in a different country. She would only deport them if they have an criminal records or if they are a terrorist. If Donald Trump won the election he will “deport all immigrants and build a wall between mexico and the US.” If he does this the population will drop 11.7 million people. Clinton also supports the end of racial profiling, and wants to raise minimum wage to $12 an hour. If you have the same opinions as her i highly suggest you vote for

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