Hillary Clinton Gun Control Essay

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Hillary Clinton:
Gun Control

“America simply cannot accept as ‘normal’ about 33,000 gun deaths every year ” (“Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention.”). Hillary Clinton’s stance on gun control is that the government needs to close the Charleston loophole, fix our background checks, and keep guns out of criminals hands. Clinton will also stop the internet shopping loophole and make people on the no-fly list not be able to get hold of arms.
Every 88.8 out of 100 American people have guns; guns are among the most common in America of all countries. Fireable weapons in America are so common even felons can get hold of them. Known felons are allowed to get bows and crossbows and use them during hunting season. This means that if it is …show more content…

In her Cleveland speech, Clinton mentioned the no-fly list “And yes, if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun in America” (“Not just the no fly list.”). Clinton believes if a name is on the no-fly list in America this person should not be able to buy guns. This person should not get a gun because this person is a suspected terrorist or a crime related person in some …show more content…

“We need to close the loopholes and support universal background checks”(“Hillary Clinton on 9 Key Gun Issues, in her own words.”). Many people try to exploit this and get guns even though they are actually known criminals in a different county. The information takes longer than three days to come back to the place the gun is to be bought at and by then they can buy the gun. The Charleston loophole will be changed by Clinton so that the informations for known criminals is shared