Hillary Clinton Health Care Essay

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President Obama has used his platform to reform the healthcare system over the past 8 years. As, the 2016 presidential election rapidly approaches, the issue of health care is high on the caliber of concerns. The next president ultimately decides on which direction health care in America will head towards for the next four years. There are two major political parties’. The Democratic Party represented by Hillary Clinton and the Republican Party represented by Donald Trump. They have extremely conflicting views when it comes to the direction that should be taken concerning health care in America.
Hillary Clinton and soon to be former president Barack Obama share a lot of the same political views; being as though they are both from the same party. Clinton agrees that Obama care was the …show more content…

Clinton plans to continue with the strategies of Obama care and the laws on health care. However, she has implemented her own ideas when it comes to how this money will be saved. In the article “Hillary Clinton’s plan for lowering prescription drug cost” by “Hillary Clinton’s plan for lowering prescription drug cost elaborates on her plan to reduce the cost of prescription drugs which will ultimately reduce the price of health care. “Hillary Clinton’s plan for lowering prescription drug cost” begins by stating that this is not Clintons first time handling health care issues. In the 1990’s during her time as a senator Clinton fought for a lot of the same challenges regarding health care; as she continues to do today. She believes that the drug companies should be held liable for lowering prices on prescription drugs (2016). Clinton appears to be well aware of the issues in the health care systems faults and how to fix them. Her