Hillary's First Semester Of Nursing School

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Hillary is in her first semester of nursing school. In order to be able to complete the first semester and progress to the second, it is a requirement for that student to pass all of the nursing courses they are currently enrolled in. If the student does not pass all of the courses, they will be terminated from the program and will have to reapply to the program for the following fall semester. For one major assignment, which has to be passed in order to successfully complete the course, Hillary has the ability to submit it three different times to meet the passing requirements. She has already turned this in on two separate occasions and has failed each attempt to pass the assignment. Her final attempt to submit this assignment is due at eight …show more content…

For most people moral reasoning is based on rewards and punishments. In the first stage of moral reasoning individuals have an obedience orientation. According to Kohlberg, “An obedience orientation means believing that authority figures know what is right and wrong. Consequently, stage one individuals do what authorities say is right to avoid being punished.” (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016, p. 292). The second stage of this level is instrumental orientation. Kohlberg states, “Instrumental orientation is when people look out for their own needs. Stage two individuals are nice to others because they expect the favor to be returned in the future.” (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016, p. …show more content…

She got extremely tired of doing the same thing every day at her job and wanted a major change in her life. Going back to school is very hard for her because she is still continuing to work full-time hours, going to school full-time, trying to take care of her family, and is still trying to have somewhat of a social life too. She is in the postconventional level and is at stage six, which is universal ethical principles. This is the stage where a person’s moral principles dominate their reasoning. Based on this stage her decision is to go to the football game with her friend to try and relieve some of her stress. She made this decision for the purpose of herself. She is acting out of self-compassion and knows that she does not need to ignore her stress because it could lead to depression. She also knows that if she does not relieve some stress her school work could become even harder for her. Her decision was fairly easy because she always puts her moral principles above everything else and in the event that she does fail out of nursing school, she still has a stable career to fall back on and will still have the ability to support her family. In this stage, a person makes their decisions based on internal forces, moral principles, and what is best for their