Hinduism Vs. Buddhism: Differences

424 Words2 Pages

Gavin Abellana
Mr. Blin
Period 4
Hinduism v.s. Buddhism
Hinduism, dating back more than 4,000 years, is the dominant and the world's oldest religion in India. Buddhism, which originated 2,500 years ago, is one of India's world's largest religions which spread over Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and China. Both Hinduism and Buddhism are like twins sharing many of the same terminology and concepts, but each has its distinguishing features. Because of that, I believe that both religions Hinduism and Buddhism are different from each other.
To begin with, the first difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is the founder of the religion. Hinduism has no single historical founder but a group of diverse people who founded the religion together. While Hinduism is founded by multiple people, Buddhism is founded by a single historical person. The person who founded Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama or also known as Buddha. …show more content…

Both believe in reincarnation which means all life goes through birth, life, death, and rebirth (cycle of samsara). According to Hindu beliefs, all living things have an atman, which is a piece of Brahman, or a spirit or soul. It is the atman that moves on into a new body after death. Hindus also believe that if they are reborn multiple times, they can reach the ultimate goal in life called Moksha (liberation and freedom from samsara). Unlike Hindus, Buddhists believe that human life is suffering from reincarnation and their ultimate goal is to break and become free from the cycle and end their suffering by enlightenment or achieving nirvana. Buddhist used meditation, spiritual, and physical labor and good behavior to achieve