Hinduism Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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Have one ever had time think about what makes Hinduism and Buddhism similarly, and also what makes these two religion different? If one did not thought about this one should definitely take the time to.

Here are some similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism that are interesting.The first one is that both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation.Reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul into another body forum.The second one that is interesting is that they both practice meditation and other forms of yoga.They also both believe in Karma which is all the action that will affect a person's fate in there next life.They both believe in nonviolence.Nonviolence is the personal practice of being harmless to self and others under every condition.Another …show more content…

These two religions are also different because Buddhism believes that no one will have an after life until attained nirvana that person will be reborn into one of the 31 planes of existence over and over again,due to that person karma,and Hinduism believes that it is a constant of reincarnation until enlightenment is reached.Also a difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is the language.Buddhism language is Magada. Hinduism language Sanskrit. Hinduism and Buddhism are also different because Buddhism thinks the goal of life is to overcome sorrow. As for Hinduism beliefs there are 4 goal of life karma all the action that will affect a person's fate in there next life,Dharma the goal of universal union with brahman,artha free cross-platform,moksha release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma.The last difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is that Hindus believe in vedas( Four books forming to hindu sacred text). As for buddhism people don't believe in