Hinduism Vs Christianity Essay

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When looking at the differences between Christianity and Hinduism, there are several obvious contrasting points, however, there is one severe contradiction that humanity serves no purpose but to try and balance good and evil in hopes of jumping out of the cycle of reincarnation. In Hinduism, there is a moral law or duty, Dharma, that is crucial to Hinduism. Throughout the entirety of a Hindu’s life, they will strive to follow the strict code of Dharma by Karma and Samsara in hopes of reaching Moksha, or the release from the cycle of reincarnation. However, this is contradictory to the Christian faith where the ultimate perfection of humanity is based not on human works but rather on the grace of Christ. According to Harold G. Coward, the “four basic ideas of the Indian world are anadi, karma, smasara, and moksha.” …show more content…

The Dharma Sutras were written as guides to creating and maintaining the ideal social world through specific behaviors and actions. These say that those who support dharma fain fame and recognition while alive and receive unmeasurable happiness after death. Furthering the idea, karma was originally defined as any ritual performed properly. However, later religious philosophers broadened the meaning to include “one’s present actions [determining] one’s future life.” Karma and Samsara have continued to provide Hindus with a reason for human differences and sufferings, giving explanation as to why some struggle through their life at a greater degree than others. It is simpler to blame past actions in a previous, unknown life than it is to take responsibility for the poor choices that created their current