Historical Accuracy Of The Movie The Patriot

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As you may know hollywood exaggerates lot of things in history. “The Patriot” movie is one of them. There are a lot of historically wrong depictions in the movie “Patriot”. The movie “The Patriot” is not accurate because Ben Martin was not real, the depiction of General Cornwallis and the Battle of Cowpens are not historically accurate. In the movie the “Patriot” Benjamin Martin is the gatherer, and leader of the untrained south carolina militia. According to the patriot fact fiction:(http://www.patriotresource.com/thepatriot/factfiction/people/benmartin.html) Benjamin is a depiction of five historical figures. In history The five historical figures are Francis Marion, Elijah Clarke, Daniel Morgan, Andrew Pickens, and Thomas Sumter. Their roles and some traits were a leader, militia men, and stubbornness. In the movie Benjamin doesn’t seem stubborn he seems a little impatient and a bit cocky. There for the movie patriot is historically inaccurate. …show more content…

In history and in the movie according to Patriot Fim fact fiction this event is on the same day January 17, 1781. But the British and General Cornwallis surrender here in the movie. In history this is not the last battle. But in the movie this is the last battle fought. And benjamin goes back to his family. Which is Historically inaccurate because the last battle of the war was in Yorktown,Virginia. This last battle in the movie was fought in South Carolina. So the movie the patriot is Historically