
History Of Sexism Essay

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Brittany. Travis Ms Jones, English 12th, Period 7, 3/9/17 Sexism: many people fail to think about this topic and what it can do to the society. Sexism affects both men and women in places where it would not be looked as deeply such as work or in the media. The majority of people that are affected are women. The history of sexism started in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. “Settlers [that came to America] preconceived beliefs that women must be dependent on a male figure”(Mashayekh). In religious view women were seen “as corrupt and untrustworthy due to their ancestral lineage with Eve”(Mashayekh). History has described women as the inferior sex. This has been going on for a very long time, yet women have slowly been gaining power by education …show more content…

How sexism affects today way of life is through the media. Media has a bigger impact on girls and women, and how they feel about themselves. In an article that is based on Disney princess proclaims that princess “were seen and not heard, and prized on beauty alone”(Rowland). This means that young children back then and today is subjected to sexism through these movies. Also, it signifies that girls need to be beautiful to get any “affection” from males. This implies that if a female is not good-looking, or meet the standards of media than they are not good enough for anyone. It also connects to how females suffer from health problems by trying to be like movie stars and models on t.v. This proposes that women should change themselves to look “beautiful”. Although media itself is not forcing girls or women to change it is making females feel insecure about how they look through body type, facial features, and clothing. Not only is this changing females to look good but also is giving them lower self-esteem that they can not look good enough for society. How sexism affected me through the media is by watching makeup

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