History: The Korean War

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The Korean War
Korea, a Japanese colony since 1910 was occupied in the north by Soviet Russia, who backed a Stalinist Regime under Kim Il-Sung. In the south, a United States military administration would control the area under General MacArthur due to the chaotic political situation. The North created the North Korean People’s Army equipped with Russian tanks and artillery. The south was limited to a lightly armed force lacking tanks, airforce, an field artillery. On June 25 1950, the North Korean People’s army invaded the Republic of Korea. As a result, the United States called the security council to brand the North Koreans as aggressors, leading to member states bringing in military assistance. Even though the British and US brought in troops, the North Koreans still advanced rapidly aiming to take the port of Pusan but General Walker and his army held off the Koreans until the reinforcements could arrive. MacArthur conducted an attack on Inchon, a port on the coast of Korea which led to the recapture of South Korea’s capital Seoul. Following the recapture, General MacArthur pursued the North Korean …show more content…

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