Brief Summary Of Unlearning Liberty, By Greg Lukianoff

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Author and First Amendment Lawyer Greg Lukianoff, in his book, Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship The End of American Debate, explores deeply into some of the most compelling college and university controversies in which freedom of speech, a right every person in the United States has, is taken away. The author mentions the way students, through debate, become less aware on what their rights are in terms of defending themselves from harsh administrative rule. Author Lukianoff explicitly states his point that what is currently happening to students in modern educational institutions is affecting and will affect them badly later down the road. The author made several arguments that completely made me agree with him. Although some were not …show more content…

Universities are judging and not giving students the chance for them to testify the reason they are being accused of, which is similar to the effect ridiculous speech codes have on a student’s mind. Every time reluctant universities refuse to see the value of these fair systems, students are not able to learn of what it means to live in a free society. Further along the book, another interesting topic that caught my attention was the way educational institutions are criminalizing human interaction by broadly expanding the real meaning of sexual assault or harassment. It has gotten to a point in which any violation of a school’s sexual misconduct policy hinders a student’s life. Administrators hold most of the power when it comes to enforcing these policies and it becomes really easy for them to get any student in trouble for the slightest offense such as from just a hug, kiss, or any form of basic human interaction. The author suggests that issues like these should be carefully approached with less broad policies in order to protect the rights of both the victim and the accused. Cases like this discussed by author Lukianoff will certainly give every student a better view and understanding on how to deal and be familiar with unconstitutional university