Universities Controlling Controversial Topics By Rex Murphy: Article Analysis

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Universities Controlling Controversial Topics
After reading Rex Murphy’s article, it has broaden my perspective on the issue. I was actually surprised that universities limit their students to the exposure of “uncomfortable” topics. I completely agree with the points that Murphy brought up in this article because what Brandeis University did to Hirshi Ali was unacceptable. She went through so much in life to become who she is today and her story should definitely be told to adults. I believe her story is inspirational because she managed to escape the life she was born into. I do not believe her story was encouraging Islamophobia in any way. I would view this as a success story that should be told to motivate men and women, especially at universities. …show more content…

Universities should encourage controversial topics in a way to broaden a student’s knowledge on an issue. It should be expressed in a way that does not cause a student to feel uneasy, but to push his or her mind into a new way of thinking. Universities should definitely keep the freedom of speech under control to a certain extent. This could be done by allowing the students to know that controversial topics will be discussed ahead of time and to give them the option to attend that lecture or not. I have experienced this in one of my classes that I took last year. The professor would warn the class about sensitive material so students could decide if they wanted to hear about it or not. I believe that this is a great way for universities to promote different perspectives on debatable topics and to keep students comfortable. Furthermore, I do not think that shaking them up will be beneficial because it may not promote learning. By making an individual uncomfortable, it could cause him or her to become close minded and stick to his or her opinions on the topic. This does not allow the expansion of knowledge, therefore it does not facilitate