Hitler And Mussolini Similarities

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Hitler and Mussolini are two of the world's most famous and feared rulers throughout history. These two powerful men Hitler and Mussolini were more similar than different because they were both fascists’ leaders and had strong sense of nationalism which led to the pursuit of more territories for their nations. Both Hitler and Mussolini shared the similar idea of changing their nation's previous governments into fascist totalitarian governments. For instance, Mussolini spread his propaganda that allowed him to gain support to take over Italy’s government through his newspaper writing position. He used fascism to manipulate the Italian’s frustration over failure and inability to gain land promised from Italy participating in World War 1 .With his growing amount of supporters he was able threaten King Victor Emmanuel III to appoint him the prime minister of Italy. …show more content…

Hitler also had a similar goal to Mussolini of replacing his country's government the Weimar Republic with his fascist government. He was appointed chancellor of the Weimar Republic under President Hindenburg rule of German. His political party the Nazi burned down Germany’s Parliament Building which led to Hitler gaining emergency powers from the government which allowed him to arrest people no questions asked! When President Hindenburg passed Hitler was able to take over Germany and convert the government into a fascist totalitarian government through his political favors which he gained through his chancellor position. (Dove Notes)This evidence shows how similar these two leaders were and although they ruled separate different countries Germany and Italy respectively they wanted to convert their nations with their fascist and totalitarian ideas. Their goals were similar because of their ideals based on making their nations more