
Hitler And Stalin: Similarities Between Two Powerful Leaders

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Similarities Between Two Powerful Leaders History had many great leaders, some of them extremely intelligent and strategic with other great qualities. But with those great qualities there came some great leaders with very bad intentions. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were two of those great leaders. Hitler took Germany out of the great depression, while Stalin took the Soviet Union and made it one of the top military forces in the world. But they did all this by killing millions and even killing some of their own people to get power. This is just one of the many similarities they have in how they ran their government.
Hitler was a fascist dictator who used ruthless and highly influential methods to keep control. He used concentration camps …show more content…

Hitler built up the Nazi party from an idea to a massive movement that led to the domination of a country and almost a continent. At one point in time Hitler lived off of a small income from selling drawings. After overcoming a rough early life Hitler volunteered for the Bavarian Army during World War 1. He was considered a dedicated and courageous, however he was never promoted because he lacked leadership qualities. He was then promoted to education officer and taught democratic ideas. In 1919 he joined the National Socialist German Workers and was elected Fuhrer. Hitler then took the party and advanced it into politics intimidating other political opponents and declaring himself Chancellor. This failed however because he had no military backing and he was sentenced to five years in prison. During this time he spent 8 months writing the book Mein Kampf. After being released he remade the party and blamed the depression on the Jews. This idea was widely accepted and he gained a lot of political momentum. He was then appointed Chancellor ("Hitler, Adolf"). Stalin led the war against Nazi Germany due to his willingness to make human sacrifices, which led to extreme support from his people. He turned people against Nazi Germany in the Battle of Stalingrad in which Russian forces changed the tide of the war. After …show more content…

If they got rid of the people who would speak out and make the people realize what they were doing their whole operation would be blown. So therefore they needed to get rid of those people, and have everyone focus their hate on one thing. For Hitler it was the Jews, and for Stalin it was the Nazis. But this was not the only thing they put hate towards. Hitler and Stalin both put their own people into work camps. Hitler put people into work camps if they were against him or were not the perfect German. Stalin did the same except he did this just for power and to show the people that he could do it. This gave the people fear because it intimidated them, this added to Stalin's power over his people. Hitler also did something similar to this and got power the same way. He even went as far as to create the Hitler Youth, which was made up of children, and had them spy on their own parents. So his people could never feel safe, even in their own homes ("Joseph Stalin"). This was very similar to how Stalin’s “secret police”, they both turned everyone against each

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