
Hitler Vs Mao Zedong Essay

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An Informative Essay: Adolf Hitler v. Mao Zedong Did you know that there have been 6 major genocides in the past 102 years? These include the terrible genocides in Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, and the most infamous of all: the Holocaust. However, there was a mass killing with a dictator so cruel that the situation could almost be compared to the Holocaust, but it isn’t talked about as much or gained the publicity of the Holocaust. The terrible killing is known as Mao Zedong’s regime. In this essay, I will explain to you the similarities and differences between Hitler and Zedong, and the survivor’s experiences from both regimes.
Although Hitler and Zedong were considered some of the most hated people of all time, they share some pretty significant differences. One difference was their political viewpoints, considering Zedong was very war left-winged and socialist, while Hitler was very far right-winged and conservative. Hitler and Zedong also painted their opponents in different ways in order to gain support for their causes. For example, Hitler portrayed his rivals as anti-German and weak, but Mao depicted his challengers as lavish and too westernized. Another …show more content…

She was somehow optimistic for nearly facing death daily, but survivors of the Mao regime have some different stories that haven’t been rightfully told. "Now when I talk about the famine period, I no longer talk about figures, like how many people died. I've been really touched by the lives of these individuals, how they'd survive on very little food, how they'd try their best to stave off death,” says Wu Wenguang, a survivor of the Mao regime. During this dark period, an estimated 45 million people were killed from starvation or political violence (“Survivors

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