Hitler's Mistakes In Ww2 Research Paper

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World War Two was a war involving almost every part of the world. The war was held from 1939-1945. This 7 year war had two different main groups. The first group was called the Allies, which included: Great Britain, US, and the Soviet Union. The next group was the axis power, which included: Italy, Japan, and Germany. Germany’s leader was a man by the name of Adolf Hitler. At the beginning of the war, in 1939, Germany defeated Poland and the next year, in 1940, Hitler then defeated France as well. After that, Hitler lead the German’s to a loss by making many mistakes throughout the war and as well as him overestimating his own capabilities. His mistakes included, him letting the Allies escape Dunkirk, him declaring war on the U.S., and the …show more content…

This battle against Russia and Germany, occurred in the summer of 1941. Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union because he wanted to reshape how Russia lead the Marxism-Leninism and make sure Germany had the Soviet Union's oil. The German forces then blitzkrieg into Russia, including Moscow, Kiev, and Leningrad. The progress they had made with the attack, forced Russia to surrender. But after the failed attempt of taking over Moscow, Hitler decided to command the army all by himself. Hitler then came to the decision of splitting up the German troops into different groups. He made one group which was called, Army Group B, and moved them into Stalingrad. The second group he had made was called Army Group A, and moved them into Caucasus. Army Group A then attacked Caucasus on June 28, 1942. The Russians then decided to halt their attack, which made Hitler frustrated. Hitler then switched from the Caucasus to the Paula’s. The Sixth Army (which were a different army group also heading to Stalingrad) hit Stalingrad on August 10, 1942. Michael Coffey of Military Blunders, stated, “Stalin’s order was read out to every Soviet soldier: “Not a step backward”.” (A113). The German Forces were no longer allowed to help Army Group B in the attack on Stalingrad on November 23, 1942. Hitler was stressing over the fact that the Army Group got cut off, but Goering Hermann told him not to worry because his air force could hold it all together. The Russians started their fight on December 19, 1942. Because of the Russians starting their attack, Army Group B was in trouble. Hitler then dropped Army Group B on December 28, 1942. The Russians remained focus on the cut down on Stalingrad. Paulus said to Hitler that he would never surrender in the attack on Stalingrad. Hitler then decided to promote Paulus to field marshall, even though he knew that he would fail. Hitler’s craze with