
Holden Caulfield Phoebe Character Analysis

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Kicked out of multiple schools, Holden Caulfield is ready for a change. This change begins in his local state of New York, around 1949. Told through his point of view, readers are given the chance to see how Holden perceives the world. His adventure begins at night on a subway through the city. After that drinks & cigarettes fill his days, while a lack of sleep bares his shoulders. Without thinking about his actions, Holden encounters issues along with breakdowns that reflect upon his character. A hotel with prostitutes leaves him injured & an old friend who he never calls leaves him confused on his feelings, but most of all, the death of his younger brother damages him the most. Regardless of all the relationships he has with people he …show more content…

Readers are being brought into the life of a scarred & unstable teenager; doing this they are reading the reasons as why he is where he is. Throughout this novel Holden is failing relationships with everyone but his younger sister Phoebe. He has no one to lean on but himself for a great portion of the book. Phoebe is the only character who can truly keep Holden grounded. Their relationship is what prevents Holden from spiraling out of control. In the end, she is the reason for Holden’s bit of happiness. From all these minor & major details they all influence Holden’s life & the main idea- a lost & damaged teenager, scarred from the past & barely making it by. This story is steeped in Holden’s self-regret but it is also full of a variety of raw experiences that are the building blocks of this novel. He couldn’t find peace with himself so he plunged into a state of depressing devoid of all power. However, as he continues to venture on through New York, his character alters. He will be in hysterics and close to crazy then he stops. He stops because he is

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