Graduation Speech: Do People Remember The Holocaust

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People remember the Holocaust in different ways. They may remember specific things like concentration camps or Adolf Hitler. I remember the impact it made on the world and the millions of people it had affected. People like you, Israel Arbeiter were born out of the Holocaust. It has changed you, may have even made you a better person. But now that you have spread your story of the Holocaust, we need to share it. We need to pass on what the Holocaust means to us and how it affected other people. Then, we can make a change in this world and prevent these tragedies from happening and have the world grow from the Holocaust. When we realize the past and how it got us here, we can focus on the future. The statement you are born out of the Holocaust means you …show more content…

I will remember this terrifying event because of your story Mr. Arbeiter. Through my whole life I will try learning more about the Holocaust and other people 's’ stories. The more I know about the topic, the more vivid it will be in my mind. It’s like fire. If you put more fire or fuel into the flame it gets bigger but if you just let it sit there it will soon die out. In the future I will also share information about the Holocaust to my children just like how my mom and dad did for me. Coming from a parent means that it is more emotional and sentimental. One day, my dad was watching the movie The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. I remember him explaining the ending and how the little boys died from the gas in the chambers. It made me feel closer to my dad but also confused on how somebody would do something that terrible to another person. Now it has a greater affect on me then my teachers telling me about it. To remember the millions of people who died I will think about all the people it has affected. It affected children, adults, the elderly and people just like me. It makes me sad thinking about how many people died and how many people just let this genocide