Homeland Security Bombing Report

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It is still most obvious to all of us that remember New York City, NY, September 11, 2001, a day that ever American came to realize that the blanket of security we felt we had over us had been stolen when the twin towers came crashing down upon the streets of New York City. How many of us watch our children leave every morning or drop them off at school and have the exception of safety once they are there only to see the horrors of Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012, a day our children’s innocence was taken from them by a deranged killer. April 15, 2013, Boston Massachusetts, a day that many look forward to and work year round to be able to run in, only to see the crowd at the Boston Marathon became flummoxed as bombs began to detonate killing innocent victims at the finish line. We can only watch in dismay on live television at home as another …show more content…

There is no doubt that the preparation can assist any organization to prepare and or prevent an attack, while there is no amount of preparation to stop everything, it certainly will lessen the damage and or loss of life in the event that tragedy does occur. As the Homeland Security Liaison, Sergeant Larry Pollard has taken on additional duties to ensure there is an unobstructed line of communication between the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Criminal Investigations Division, and the Office of Homeland Security. It is vital that the member holding this position be available at all times to coordinate efforts between each division in the event of a terrorist, or potential terrorist, incident. To ensure maximum effectiveness in this position, Pollard will be required to participate in weekly conference calls with the Office of Homeland Security. These calls are held to ensure all personnel assigned Homeland Security duties are aware of the current events affecting the security of the state and actions taken to address any