Homeless Children Attend School

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I chose to find out more information about the requirements to attend school in North Carolina.
The reason I chose this topic was because recently it was brought to my attention the a child could not attend school if they did not have an address. I talked about it with some of my friends and most of them also did not know you needed an address to attend school. This is an important topic that people need to be aware of, more so for the awareness of homeless children not attending school. I do understand why an address is necessary, but what about homeless children? During my research I found that proof of residence along with birth certificate, immunization records, and a photo I.D. are required to register a child for school in the state of North Carolina. There is the Mckinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act which ensures that homeless children have the same opportunity to public education. I found this information after reading several articles and searching on the internet. Education is very important and no child should be without it, simply because they do not have an address. …show more content…

Most people misunderstand the term homeless, and associate it with the person they see sleeping out on the streets. I am glad I found this article because I can really relate to it. I believe everyone should be entitled to the same free education that every other child receives k-12. Many of us take education for granted, but never look at it from someone else 's point of view. For instance, plenty of people skip class or even drop out, not even knowing that there are children out there that do not even have a chance to attend school. There is not many people that thank their teachers and do not appreciate