Homelessness And Non Profit Organizations

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Homelessness is sometimes overlooked in smaller communities (“Homelessness par. 1). If community members do not see people sleeping on the street some then believe that there is no problem. Non profit organizations see these people and provide them with the materials they need. In July 2015, Coulee-Cap, an organization focused on ending poverty, conducted a “point in time homeless count” in Crawford, La Crosse, Monroe and Vernon Counties. This showed that the amount of homeless people went down by 18 people, however, the amount of people living on the street went up by 12 (Dimke par. 5). After natural disasters the Salvation Army is the first non profit organization to aid in cleanup and other needs. They are also the last ones to leave after …show more content…

They are focused on school and other activities, and they do not know where or how they can volunteer. However, there are non profit organizations in every single community. Whether they give their time every week or during the holidays, non profit organizations are still in need of assistance. Typically organizations will advertise if they need assistance, this happens a lot during holidays. Students have many holiday breaks, so instead of going to a movie with their friends, they could easily help serve dinner at their church or the Salvation Army with them one night. Volunteering weekly is very challenging, but it shows people the amount of drive and effort that person has. Many colleges and employers look for well rounded students and employees. Volunteering is where someone can simply build their resume. Volunteering shows that a person is willing to put in effort, without a reward. In addition people will learn new skills and practice problem solving …show more content…

People get sick of donating to the same thing again and again. This is what some people call a “burnout (Pro Con par. __).”A donation is voluntary so some non profit organization can not continue to provide services for people if they do not receive enough money to fund their programs. Nevertheless, these organizations are run by self motivated, persistent people. These people start organizations to help others in need. They have a loving character that wants to positively impact someone's life. Many non profit organizations rely on a few major donations throughout the year. Although even within small communities, the community members find a way to provide for the other people within their community who need assistance. They ask for donations or the services they provide become more simple, however the services are still quality. Anyone who is in need will take advantage of free or reduced price programs. They will be grateful for the people who can assist them in anyway.
If you enjoy making pottery, volunteering at a non profit organization can be as simple as making a piece of pottery and donating it to the “Empty Bowls Fundraising Event.” This is very simple and an amazing event held at a university in Ohio and helps raise money for food for others (Norman par. 13). Within 21 years of hosting this event in one community, over $350,000 has been raise to support food pantries (Norman par.