Does Homework Cause Stress

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“ … Then she added: “THEY…”, she pointed to her book bag, “ are stealing are childhood!””(Teens need less homework and more free time!). Homework is taking away students sleep time, free time, and is causing a lot of stress. There should be less homework. To begin, homework is taking away students sleep time. Studies shows that a person sayed “My 16-year-old daughter is finally entering the homestretch of sophomore year, and she has been chronically sleep deprived since September. The reasons are multiple but when you add together 45 minutes of homework per class per night, it adds up to between 5 and 7 hours of sleep on an average school night. Throw in a term paper or heavy exam week and the average can easily drop to 3 or 4. In fact, multiple …show more content…

Research has asked the question: “Does Homework Cause Stress In Children?” and research shown: “Unfortunately, the answer to this question is – yes. Middle and high schools continue the tough academic pressures. Larger class sizes, shorter break times and strong pressures to perform well on standardized tests all place students under large amounts of stress. Homework today which can on some days exceed 3 to 4 hours can negatively affect a child’s sleep cycle. Instead of getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep which is recommended, children end up getting 5 to 6 hours of sleep which in itself contributes to increase in stress. Another research indicates that students miss out on developing important life skills and their social life suffers as they don’t find time to pursue hobbies they enjoy, for outdoor activities or to even meet friends or family.” (Does Homework Cause Stress in Children?). Stress is terrible, too much homework causes stress, and less homework equals very less stress. Stress is no good because the only way to stop it is to do to the source of it, aka the palls of HOMEWORK that teachers FORCED upon STUDENTS, NEEDS TO …show more content…

Getting starved from sleep, missing time to have fun, and a oil tanker full of stress all support the fact that there is way too much homework. If the teachers in the students’ lives lower the homework amount, these problems may change for the better. Are we willing to let the huge amounts of homework destroy every students lives? Let 's take action against mountains of homework that is tearing up our students! Let’s take a stand against too much