Hot Blood Test

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The Hot wire and blood test has to be one of the stories most important parts. According to factual information provided by one of the characters earlier about how the crew has a grand total of 37 members. Again another device to further instill paranoia into the reader, because of how any of the crew could be an imposter or the entire crew could be imposters. The idea for the hot wire and blood test comes from a murder that occurs in the crew. One of the crew members is killed and accidentally revealed to be a creature. This revelation is found here:
“Never mind that,” Mcready sighed and turned to Barclay. “Bar, will you get your electric gadget? I’m going to make certain-“
Barclay turned down the corridor to get the pronged electrocuter, while Mcready and Van Wall went back to cosmos house. [….] There was savage scurry of blows, dull “ch-thunk, schluff” sounds. “Bar- Bar”. And a curious, savage mewing scream, silenced before even quick-moving Norris had reached the end. (Campbell, 62)
Kinner, yet another …show more content…

Evaluating both the film and short story, the film version of this short story does not follows the plot of the book too closely. Again Campbell was trying to teach us something much like Malcom from Jurassic park. Campbell’s work was a work of Science fiction and a common goal for a science fiction writer is to make us question things in a weird way, examples being Ray Bradbury and his Martian chronicles. Campbell was trying to ask us what exactly it took to completely imitate a human being, asking us if we are as different as we consider ourselves to be. He questions the concept of “being human” something the Carpenter counterpart does