Housing Subtopic Essay

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The last housing subtopic is a lack of housing, or homelessness, defined as the condition of people without a permanent dwelling. In severe circumstances the cost and availability of housing, compounded with poverty, are the key causes of homelessness (National Resource, 2006). The California Department of Education defines homeless children and youth through the McKinney Vento Act, passed in 2001, as: Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes: children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; children and youths who may be living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, shelters, or awaiting foster care placement; children …show more content…

1). Families with children that are homeless encounter very serious consequences related to child health and developmental (Vandivere et al., 2006). Children are more apt to encounter hunger and poor health when homeless (Better Homes Fund, 1999) and many homeless children suffer high levels of stress. Hicks-Coolick, Burnside-Eaton and Peters (2003) found nearly half of homeless children to have symptoms of anxiety or depression, and many encounter complications with social and personal development. Homeless families are also likely to experience child protective services and foster care services interventions, possibly compounding child stress levels (Vandivere et al., 2006). The educational success of homeless children may also