How Are Animals Affected By Global Warming Essay

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Animals are Being Affected by Global Warming

Imagine all of the sudden one day all of your food just goes missing, you have a family and can’t bring them any food because it’s just not there. This is how most animals are feeling right now that live in the arctic because of Global Warming. But lets pull back a step, what even is global warming? Global warming is the name, the globe is warming. There have been signs of it every where, random places just heating more, or longer than it should be. Now some people disagree and say that global warming is not a thing at all, but in this article not only will I prove that Global warming is a thing, I will show you how animals are being affected by it, in a horrible way. So yes, animals are being affected …show more content…

Another example is humans are affecting animals in a bad way without even realizing it, and one last example is some people are saying that global warming is not even a thing, and have good examples to prove it, but there still wrong, and here is why. Animals are being affected by global warming and my first example is their are many animals showing signs of being affected, one of my examples is penguins. According to action bioscience “Penguins can dive up to 520 M under water to get there food, deeper than any other bird. But it is starting to get warmer in these areas causing there food (fish) to swim deeper where it isn't that hot, they want to be where it’s more colder.” So even the penguins that can dive the deepest still can’t get there food because there food are too hot. This proves my claim because Global Warming is causing the fish to swim deeper which is penguins food, therefore Global Warming is