
How Are Your Theories Different From Freud's Theories

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Question: How are your theories difference from Freud's? Answer: Let's start with how I made my way in the feild of Psychology. I knew early that I had a passion for learning about human behavior and how people think. I worked with a few people before I finaly started working with Freud. At first, I felt privilleged to be working with Freud. At the time I started, he was very well known. I had a growing reputation myself before I started working with Freud. Freud was impressed with my work. We worked together for a long time. As Freud got older and became less capable to work, people asusmed I would continue his work. If their oppurtunity was given to me a few years ago, I would be thrilled. That wasnt the case when this was brought up. I realized I found some flaws in Freud's work. I began to challenge it. I believed I could better explain the …show more content…

The first being, Freud tied everything to sex. I disgree with that. Not all human behavior is motivated by sex. We are complicated beings with multiple motivations. This is why I think the nature and purpose of the libido motivates a range of behaviors. It is just a source of general psychic energy. Freud on the other hand, thinks the purpose of the libido is the source of energy specific for sexual needs. Once again, everything for Freud is about sex. Let's talk about the unconcious. There is some similarity in what Freud thinks and what I concluded about the unconcious. We both think the unconcious is full of repressed experiences specific to the person. Freud says those repressed emotions are unacceptable desires a person might have. I on the other hand would say our unconsious contains repressed memories. Clearly there is a differnce between desires and memories. There is another difference: Freud says those desires are unacceptable. I say the repressed are simply memories. Often times they end up to be somethign we want to forget or are disturbed

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