
How Can A College Education Be Rationalized Essay

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I’ll Take a Number 4, A College Degree, Please Being a college student for the three years, I understand our current education system quite well. Ultimately, the college educational process can be rationalized. Through my paper, I will discuss two out of four of the degrees of rationalization, predictability and control, to further elaborate an in-depth concept of this process. Moreover, predictability is palpable in this process by strict routine exercised by things such as a syllabus. In addition, control is obviously seen in the non-human technologies adopted by universities in conjunction to the use of Scantrons. Essentially, through the devices of predictability and control, the college educational system can be rationalized. …show more content…

Understanding that a syllabus is a strict set of rules, assignment steps, and timed projects, one could determine that there is a routine to classes. Even so, there is a uniform expectation for students to perform to those set of standards at the best of their ability. Additionally, the same class in the fall semester should have the same content when offered in the spring to establish longevity in course material. Uniquely, the stricter the rules for the students, the less creativity and unpredictability will be permitted. Adding to the argument that college education can be rationalized, is the concept of Routine Cognitive Tasks proposed by Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane. When a professor is teaching basic tasks with a defined set of rules, they can create teach the material in a simple process that simplifies the need for deeper education. Online teaching illustrates that routine cognitive tasks can be simplified, taught, and learned by students in the same manor for years at a time. Overall, the accessibility of defining rules, schedules and long-term monotony establishes the rationalization of the college education possible through predictability. Understand that invariably, control

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